It's a known fact that women are complicated... I never realized it until one day I chatted with an Aussie guy (well, at least that's what he claimed to be. He could be a dog for all I know) through MIRC (this was during the time it was THE it thang) and we had this convo in cyberspace.
Him : Why are women so complicated?
Me : What do you mean?
Him : I never know what they're thinking.
Me : For example?
Him : Well, there was this one hot girl who was dressed really sexy and we danced together. She was so provocative. I stared at her boobs and when she saw me doing it she got upset and slapped me. I mean, if she doesn't want me to stare at it, why show it?
Me :........
He has a valid point there....
I remember that conversation until today simply because I realize how true it is. Women, beautiful as we are (Hihi..) are fickle beings. We change our minds every 5 seconds and what pleases us now may make us as pissed off as Medusa on a bad hair day tomorrow/ in an hour/ 5 seconds from now..
We fairer sex are also guilty of beating around the bush instead of saying outright what we want or need. It seems that we have an unhealthy habit of expecting men to read our mind.
Still in denial ladies? Tell me, how often do you have this conversation with your honey...
You : *Lugging heavy shopping bags* Can't you see that my hands are full?
BF : Yeah....
You : So?
BF : ......
You : Aren't you going to be a gentleman and give me a hand?
BF : Oh alright...
You : Oh never mind! If you were a gentleman I wouldn't need to ask you to help me...
or this conversation......
You : My back hurts...
BF : Okay... *Playing online game*
You : I said my back hurts...
BF : I heard you the first time.
You : So?
BF : *Look at you with a blank expression*
You : *Burst to tears/ Walk away in a huff/ Start nagging*
Wouldn't it have been easier just to ask for a back rub?
In all honesty I myself have been guilty of doing all this too. I mean, every female does it. I'm female aren't I? It's in the genes.. It's a girl thing.. Not that I'm making excuses or trying to validate my unreasonable tendencies or anything.
Oh! One more popular question that guys always ask their best gal pals: What is it that women want?
You wanna know a secret?
We women don't have a clue of what we want either.. Hehehe...
Makeover Ruang Tamu Raya Baru
Assalamualaikum ♥
Salam awal Ramadhan! Banyak tak persiapan yang korang dah buat? Excited tak
Ramadhan kali ni? Untuk yuyu & keluarga, Ramadhan ni double-...
5 years ago
Exactly.. damn all these beautiful girls! hahahhaha
But seriously, I used to have a female superior and I don't even understand what she wanted me to do... they just expect you to decipher their 'stare' and 'facial expression'... hahahah
lawaa laa phy! hehe =p
Asrih: It's always been said that it's better to have a man as a bos than a lady.. No mood swings.. Huhu...
Far: Hahaha... Do you agree far?
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