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Former makeup enthusiast and bookworm. Currently adopting a minimalist lifestyle. Contact me at phylliciarobert@gmail.com for inquiries.
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Friday, April 12, 2013

Lifestyle Change Day 3: Everyday Is A New Start

Hello hello,

If you've read my blog before, you would know that this is not my 1st attempt in changing my lifestyle. One of the major mistakes that I did is letting the good and bad things I did in the previous days affect my current day in a negative manner. E.g. Thinking "I have already eaten a slice of chocolate cake yesterday. My diet is as good as ruined so I might as well eat 3 more slices". Or thinking "It's okay for me to not jog today because I've jogged 2 days ago. I still hv 4 more days to fulfull my 3 times a week quota".

Now I try to not cling to the previous days whether it's the good, the bad or the ugly except to learn from it. I ate chocolate cake last night. Fine. Today is another chance to make better choices. As for workouts, I do some form of exercise every day even if it is just walking around in my living room or dancing the Poco-Poco for half an hour. I don't want to see exercise equals to jogging at this point especially since I am just starting this change. I do try to run every other day though because my goal is to build up my stamina and be able to finally run in the 7K run this year. InsyaAllah, Amin.

That being said, this is my food and exercise entry for today:


8.00am: 1 portion instant oats + Anlene milk + sprinkle of raisins, Lipton tea with no milk + 2 level teaspoons of white sugar.

11.30am: 5 pcs of plain cheese crackers.

3.00pm: 3 pcs of baked sardine cutlets (we Malaysians call them begerdil), 1 apple.

5.30pm: 1 buttermilk bun.

6.10pm: 1 peanut cake.

8.15pm: 1 portion of rice, 4 pcs of baked sardine cutlets, half portion of cooked spinach.

Water intake: 3 litres.


10.40am: Walked for 20 minutes (10 minutes of that carrying Sophie who is between 8kg-9kg)

Until the next entry. Cheers!
