Hi dear readers...
As I have told you in my previous blog I have been given a job offer in the government sector and I have already started my job. I tried looking for a room to rent nearer to my workplace but unfortunately the rooms get snapped up so fast. I searched in websites like mudah.com and caribilik.com but still there's nothing available. I also went to the apartments and called the number on the ads. Some of them were only put up the day before yet when I called someone has actually taken it.
That being said I had to stay at my sister's place in KL and commute using two different modes of transportation. For the first two weeks my sister had to send me to the train station where I had to take the KL Transit train. It's very fast, only 20 minutes to reach my destination and then I had to take a but to my office. Althought the train enables me to reach my destination real quickly, the fare is RM9.50 ONE WAY. So in a day my transportation cost is RM19 a day including the bus fare.
This week I started using the bus from my sister's area directly to the bus terminal where I'm working and then take another bus to the office. The fare is so,so much cheaper, being Rapid KL I only had to pay a bus fare of RM2 and I can use the same ticket to go back. However, as anyone in KL commuting using any bus service would know, buses are sooooo not a comfortable way to travel. It also takes about 50 minutes (65 minutes if we get stuck in a jam) to get there and its soooo packed. Geez..
Going to work is not so bad as people are still 'fresh' so to speak early in the morning. Coming back from work is a different matter. The smells of 60 sweaty people meshed together like sardines in a can is almost if not unbearable. If you're lucky enough to get a seat but it's near the 'lane' in the middle of the bus, expect to have someone's wide open armpits or butt in you face. The other day I had to stand up for nearly half an hour into the journey and as the bus was packed to the limit we were all barely 2 inches apart. I had no room to manouver and ended up having to stand self-conciously close to men (with 'dragon breath' no less) that I don't know for that long. That is no less uncomfortable let me tell you.
But you know what dear readers? I have begun to look at the situation where I can't seem to get a house and have to go through so much hassle before I can get to work or get home as a Blessing in disguise. If I had gotten a house near my workplace I wouldn't have had to get out of my comfort zone and discovered more than one way to get to work or from my sister's place out to a few shopping complexes. I used to have to rely fully on my sister to send me to places that I want to go but now I'm becoming more independent now cuz I'm getting to know my way around. So next Monday I will be starting the whole 'butt-or-pits-in-the-face'and the'standing-eyeballs-to-eyeballs-with-drangon-breathed-men' routine again.
Well I guess that's enough sharing for now. Enjoy your weekend.. Toodles..
Makeover Ruang Tamu Raya Baru
Assalamualaikum ♥
Salam awal Ramadhan! Banyak tak persiapan yang korang dah buat? Excited tak
Ramadhan kali ni? Untuk yuyu & keluarga, Ramadhan ni dou...
5 years ago