Hi there!
Those of you who are my friend on Facebook or follow me on Twitter would most probably know by now that I am currently working at a new hotel in the city. It's still a baby really, barely 6 months old with lots of improvements to be made but still, so far so good.
I had looked for a nursery for Sophie before I started work. I decided to send her to a nursery less then 10 minutes away. Even though I had quite a few issues with the place I didn't really have a choice because that was the nearest to my apartment. After registering her and paying RM520 inclusive of one time only registration fee, my aunt offered to take care of her. Bingung sy sekejap... (@,@)
On one hand I would prefer my own relative to care for her. On the other hand I've already paid the fees. Aduih... In the end I called the nursery's administrator and said that I would like to extend her enrollment for a month and she agreed.
Although I could have made things easier for myself by just sending Sophie off in the mornings and letting my aunt give her both her morning and evening bath, I decided to bathe her in the morning before going to work. I feel that it give us a bit of bonding time together since I will be away from her so much. After all, she is still so young. Takut pula dia lupa sy ni or get confused on which one is her Mama Na'udzubillah.
So in the morning I would wake up at 5.15am to give Sophie her early morning feed (she is my alarm) and after burping her I would get everything that could only be prepared in the morning ready. By 6am I would wake her and give her a bath (sometimes this has to be extended to 6.30am. By the time I get her dressed it would already be 6.30am or 7.00am. Its time for me to bathe, put on my makeup and work clothes.
I try to leave my house by 7.30am, send Sophie to my aunt's place, pesan apa yang patut, drive off to work while aiming to arrive by 8.15am because my punch in machine is 10 minutes early (I start work at 8.30am). Memang I'm in a time crunch everyday ni. Kalo dulu I get a taste of what it's like to be a stay at home mom, now I'm experiencing the working mom like. Kudos and respect for all working moms out there for sure. Ini belum lagi anak sudah besar sikit and malas mo bangun early in the morning. Sigh!
Whatever it is I'm thankful to have a job and my daughter so I will do whatever it takes to make things work. That's all for now, Cheers!
Makeover Ruang Tamu Raya Baru
Assalamualaikum ♥
Salam awal Ramadhan! Banyak tak persiapan yang korang dah buat? Excited tak
Ramadhan kali ni? Untuk yuyu & keluarga, Ramadhan ni dou...
5 years ago
everytime I look at sophie's pictures on facebook and reading about how u cope on being a mother and giving the best u can at work, I'm seriously very very proud... I pray to god that u are blessed with a lot of love, rezeki and sentiasa sihat...
take care of ur health yah.... jgn stress... sophie will be sad if her mother is sicl... see u, sophie and gaman in august... :P
Amin... Thank you my friend. Kudrat ni Allah SWT yg pinjamkan. No matter how difficult, I know that He has made it so much more easier.
InsyaAllah, I will take care of my health.. Yay!! We will be looking forward to August then! ^^
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