This post is to be my roundup for the year 2014. Since I want this post to be short and sweet, I'll just let the photos do most of the talking:
1. Tried acupuncture for the first time ever. I loved it! It was so relaxing and I will definitely do it again.

2. Experienced Sophie being admitted into the hospital for food poisoning. Worst.Day.Of.My.Life. I am so thankful that she bounced back so quickly, Alhamdulillah.

3. I have surpassed so many layers of my comfort zone in my current job. From chairing meetings to organizing cleanups and standing on the ledge of the roof to check the gutter. I have certainly grown and I know that I will be able to do well when good job opportunities come my way in 2015 in shaa Allah, Amin.

4. I refreshed my driving lessons (from "Dad's Driving School") and am driving myself to work and around town. Started driving with the ancient, heavy family car no less.

5. I installed Internet at my parent's house which is the reason why I am able to write this post at this ungodly hour.

6. Made over my hair by curling it, something I haven't done in years.

7. Took up official makeup lessons. Best decision ever!

8. Got me certified as a First Aider. Woot! Woot!

9. Got my first ever Coach item as a gift. Yay! Love it, love it, love it!

10. Swam for the first time in 2 years and also for the first time at the local Community pool.

11. Was treated to and awesome, awesome stay at The Magellan Sutera Resort.

12. Finally took the plunge and bought a Thomas Sabo bracelet that I have been wanting for over a year.

13. Organized my first ever blog giveaway and it was a success in my books especially for a 1-year old blog. Looking forward to doing more giveaways in 2015.

14. Did my own flower arrangement for the first time ever. It was for the head table of a wedding dinner.

15. Witnessed and participated in Malaysia's National Mourning for the victims of flight MH17 crash. Never thought that I would experience such a thing in my lifetime. It was heartbreaking and I can't imagine how painful it must be for all their family and friends. Alfatihah to their souls as well as those on flight MH370 and QZ8501.

16. I finally took pride in my figure and dressed up. I also changed the direction of my blog more to Body Positivity and +Size Fashion. I am still doing Lifestyle and Beauty posts whenever the occasion calls for it or the mood strikes me though.

17. Finally able to donate blood again after 4 years and 3 failed attempts prior to this, Alhamdulillah.

18. Sold some of my beloved makeup items. I understand that less is more and I'm trying to get over my hoarding tendencies. Hehe.. It also made me feel good to see others pleased with their purchases.

19. I got my own car!She is my 2nd baby now. It's more responsibilities but worth it in shaa Allah. I know that there must be a good reason why she came to be mine.

20. Did another hair makeover within the same year (never done that before!). This time I cut it short and dyed it. I might tweak it further a little bit. We'll see.

21. I can now reverse park, between 2 cars no less! I am so proud of my progress, Alhamdulillah. For someone who once felt like the car was driving me instead of the other way around, this is a big deal for me.

22. I've taken up Zumba in an attempt to aid in my mission to be healthier and achieve my ideal weight and be more fit.
23. I have also taken up yoga for the same purpose. I finally bought a yoga mat after thinking of getting one for eons. It was on sale too.
24. I have finally, finally taken a stand on something which I should have done over a year ago. However, I know that it was meant to happen when it happend. Alhamdulillah, I am doing so much better now because of it.
25. I am currently dabbling with online dating via dating apps. Haha.. It's very convenient for someone like me who don't really go out that much. I think all singles (and only the truly single) should try it. At worst you could always use it to entertain yourself during long queues.
So there you have it, my roundup for the year 2014. There were good times and bad, hard times and good. Here's to hoping (wishing and PRAYING) for a better, more prosperous and abundant New Year ahead in health, wealth and love, in shaa Allah, Amin.
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