Dear Readers..
A few weeks ago I was checking my email. I had subscribed for an update from Oprah Winfrey’s website so I went into the website and after browsing for a while, I came across one of her shows that showcased a designer, Charles. He designs clothes for women sized 12 and above. I was rejoicing that a designer had actually taken the trouble to design clothes for girls like me. I mean, hey, we wanna look fabulous too ya’ know. Just because we are ‘cuter’ than the other thin girls it doesn’t mean that we are contented with the clothes that are available for us in the market. If you can call them clothes that is.. The word ‘tents’ and ‘sacks’ come to mind.
Then, just this afternoon I went to the library and came across the October or November Issue (I can’t remember which) of O Magazine (Oprah’s magazine). It contains a spread about that show featuring Charles with pictures of the models and the combination of clothes that they wore on the show. It was nice, some are even gorgeous. With the pictures came the description of the clothes and its prices. As I was scanning the descriptions my eyes widen as I cannot believe what I’m seeing. The crepe dress that was quite basic in shape and style cost around $1,200++, a skirt costs about $700++ and some of the pieces even had a $1,700++ price tag.
I shook my head and closed my eyes before looking at the page again, thinking that my eyes were playing tricks on me. It turns out that they were dead serious. I could barely control myself from emitting a gasp of outrage. I mean can you believe the audacity of that designer? Oh, I’m so angry. I have to admit that when you’re like my size (I’m around a size 14), its hard to find clothes that fits and flatters your shape and size so when you actually find one that fits, you buy it straight away even if it’s more than a RM100 a piece.
This Charles person says that fashion should be fun and that designers need to respect the people that they are designing for. Now, let me ask you, how fun is it to fork out $1,200++ for a dress? How respectful is he really towards the plus sized women that he is designing for when he is slapping a $700++ price tag on a skirt? What a whole lot of hogwash. He came across as really caring and thoughtful by creating this clothing line of his, as if he understands what a plus-sized gal has to go through when trying to shop for clothes that fit. But what good is his line of clothing for plus-sized women if it’s in a price range that only Ivanka Trump can afford to buy?
Okay, so I didn’t read the whole article so I don’t know the reason for the price range. Maybe 90% of the profits are going to be used to help find a cure for cancer or something. Uh.. NOT! As I’ve mentioned before when you’re a size 14 and above, you’ll just buy the clothes that fit you, not caring how expensive it is. This man probably knows that and he’s using that to his advantage. Some of you may say that I’m being dramatic and grasping at straws but really, you can’t deny that it’s an abomination to put a price range that high for any line of clothing at all.
Makeover Ruang Tamu Raya Baru
Assalamualaikum ♥
Salam awal Ramadhan! Banyak tak persiapan yang korang dah buat? Excited tak
Ramadhan kali ni? Untuk yuyu & keluarga, Ramadhan ni dou...
5 years ago
Actually U got a point there...
One day, I believe, someone will 'ciplak' his ideas and make a more affordable baju... Like what people always say... Just wait for clones/competitors.. that's when all these things will go cheaper..
Maybe that guy is monopolizing the current market for plus size clothing... but it's not gonna last forever...
hihihi I love oprah winfrey punya show... she is so.. motivating...
muachx... from the land of leprechauns...
tia sabar mau jumpa kamu semua once i got back!
i think any piece of designer clothes cost a fortune, whether its a size 0 or 20. lagi la rugi if size zero coz the kain quarter of a meter ja kena pakai and boom, rm2k...but thank god for china, we get imitations dirt cheap!
Update darling... I open ur blog every day... hahahaha
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