Hi all..
I have always wanted to have a spa experience. Get a massage, a facial, foot scrub, etc. To be honest, it's not difficult to get that spa experience. Lord knows there are enough massage houses that advertise themselves as spas here in KK after all. What actually stopped me from going into any of them is the fear that the masseuse might not be sufficiently trained. Silap haribulan free2 jak terbelit usus. Kan? There's also the hygiene factor of course. Who know what really goes in there right?
When the manager of the spa at the resort extended a generous offer of a free massage to the girls in my department I was thrilled. I am so, so glad I waited. Imagine, first time experience terus at a 5-star resort. Perhaps this is what people say as 'Good things come for those who wait'. I must say although I was excited, I was also worried because I don't know what is going to happen. I've heard for a full body massage, can only wear G-String. Yikes! Since I don't have one, do I go out to buy one? Is it worth it to do so? Can I just use my normal undies instead?
Another thing that concerns me is that I am not really into massages as I am quite ticklish and from experience of shoulder massages at salons, it can be quite a painful experience. It doesn't help that I am not the type to complain, I normally just suffer in silence. If the massage is painful, how lah? Huhuhu.. Dalam takut dan nervous tu, I still went ahead to make an appointment after work. Aparently, I was to be given a 50-minute Balinese body massage.
When the day finally arrived, I was packing my things to get out of the office when I suddenly remembered to my horror that I uh, have not shaved. At first I thought of just winging it through and not caring but the more I think about it, the more I couldn't bear the thought of pulling a Julia Roberts on my poor masseuse to be, so I had no choice but to fork out RM4 for a disposable razor at the hotel shop. Darn it.
The manager greeted me at the entrance of the spa and I was led up the stair to the upper floor. I was seated and given a cold towel scented with peppermint to wipe my face with. Ah, I was feeling pampered already. Next, My masseuse, P, gave me a choice of four aromatherapy blends which are: Mandara Oil, Island Spice Oil, Hamony Oil and unfortunately I forgot the last one *head hangs with shame*. It might be either relaxing or rejuvenating oil though. Anyways, I picked the Harmony Oil which to me smells a bit like a Frangipani flower. The smell was not strong so it didn't overwhelm my senses which was good.
All of the rooms are named after flowers used in aromatherapy. I got the Bergamot room, named after a fruit from the orange family. It is one of the 6 single rooms the spa has. The first thing I saw when I entered the room was the bed and the shower room beyond. P invited me in and when I entered the room I found out that there was more space to the right side of the door. There was a sink, a mirror and a closet. Inside the closet was a robe, a pair of room slippers, a one-lenght sarong and a pair of disposable undies *which I had been worried that it wouldn't fit me, but it did so yay! for that*.
P left me to change but instead of getting right to it I took pictures instead. P came back after 5 minutes. She usai2 the bed, held up a white sheet and asked me to takeoff my sarong and get on the bed. To say that it was awkward was an understatement. I froze and P tried to coax me by saying 'its okay, we're both women and I am married' *to which my thoughts screamed "SO?!"* In the end I did what I needed to do. As I lay on my front I reminded myself that since this opportunity of being pampered in a 5-star hotel's spa doesn't come by very often, I will just embrace the experience whatever and however it might be.
The massage was so relaxing. I especially enjoyed the part when P did my arms, legs and head. The back part was not so nice for me because I was feeling ticklish. Overall,it was good and I will definitely come back to try other treatments such as body scrub and such. P was gentle and respectful and I am sure all the other staff are too. Cukup training la orang bilang kan. The oil used for the massage is a mix of high grade essential oil and carrier oil. I loved the fact that it was a very light texture and didn't leave a greasy feel on my skin at all.
At the end of my massage I chatted with P about the oils, prices and the treatments they have *me in my one length sarong and sorugau hair no less. Lol* P told me not to eat for at least an hour as the massage had made my blood circulate faster so I needed to let it settle first. If I eat it wouldn't be good for my digestive system. I felt very warm after the massage, a sign that my blood was circulating at a higher-than-normal-speed.
Even though I have only been to a spa once, here are some tips:
- It would be preferable if you could bathe first before you go for a massage. It would be easier for your skin to absorb all the goodness and nourishment from the essential oil when it's clean rather than with a layer of sweat and grime.
- Make sure you have done all your errand before your spa session do that you can just stay in a relaxed mode after that. Mana best kalo sudah relax2 after a massage baru mo pigi post office bayar bill kan. Hilang segala ketenangan yang ada, kan rugi.
- Take care of your personal hygiene. Wear clean clothes and
Makeover Ruang Tamu Raya Baru
Assalamualaikum ♥
Salam awal Ramadhan! Banyak tak persiapan yang korang dah buat? Excited tak
Ramadhan kali ni? Untuk yuyu & keluarga, Ramadhan ni dou...
5 years ago
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