Dear readers,
I think it has been a while since I have done updates on my life. As usual, there are a lot of things that I want to say but not enough to do a whole post on so I'll just try to put these bits and pieces into a few categories to make updating easier.
My mum and Sophia stayed over at my place for a week during the 1st week and she was so manja with me. There were times when she would not want anyone else but me. Aw.. It broke my heart to pieces when I had to leave her that following weekend. My dad held her and when I hugged my dad, Sophie hugged me. Ndamau lepas lagi tu. Adui, hanya Allah jak yang tau dear readers how I wish I didn't have to leave her.
Last weekend when I visited her Sophia buat derk jak when I play with her tapi bila sy limpas jak dia (contohnya dari kamar mandi pigi bilik mo tukar baju) pandai pula dia menangis macam minta my attention. Ni kes jual mahal ni. My mum called me this morning and told me that Sophia pandai say 'Mama' sudah. Actually lama sudah bah tu tapi all these while dia sebut 'Mamamamamamamamaaaaaaa'.Lol.. Ah, Sophia has certainly grown. Lipatan di lengan dia pun kurang dalam sudah cause her arms have lengthened.
She also has a sense of ownership sudah. Kalu dia mau something dia mau la. Kalau dia sudah pegang something (a small box, a rusk, etc.,) and you try to take it away from her, she would grip it really hard/ pull it away from you with an offended sound/scream bloody murder. It can be funny la especially when she puts the object over her head or behind her to hide it but it has its downsides. She also recognizes people so pandai sudah la dia memilih siapa dia mo minta dukung. Mo trick pun susah sudah. Hehehe...
I quite enjoyed myself this week. I started a new task which I enjoyed very much. Reminds me of my days working in the Front Office except with FO you meet new people every hour and every day whereas with this you kind of handle the same group of people during the duration of their stay when they are on the hotel premises.
I have asked myself time and time again why was I given this job. No, not why my boss hired me but why did Allah put me in this job. What am I supposed to learn? Who am I supposed to meet? Now that this new task has started I kind of know the answer. I feel tired but happy. To be honest sy tidak harap betul mo confirm in this job. Bukan apa, boleh nampak sendiri from the way things are heading. Some things are just not working. Whether I get confirmed or not in this job, I leave it in Allah's capable hands. No, bukan lepas tangan tapi I believe rezeki datang dengan usaha dan izin Allah. If I don't get this job meaning there is something better out there for me, InsyaAllah. Amin.
Oh and I just have to say this... I accept the blunt words that was dealt to me this morning with an open heart and mind. It's not as if it is the first time after all but at least this time it is not said publicly. I have made mistakes, that is true. I am still learning after all. What's amazing was that those words did not get me down, it did not break my spirit, it did not strike fear in me. I have Allah to credit for that. Am I being cryptic? Sorry readers, I'm being discreet, not because I have to but because I know that it's the right thing to do.
Beauty Blog
I have a few ideas on posts to do on my beauty blog. Among them are November Empties which will feature what are the beauty products that I have used up in the month of November. I will also do a makeup wish list for the holidays. Stay tuned for that and show some love by following me on that blog as well which is
Have a great weekend ahead peeps. Cheers!
Makeover Ruang Tamu Raya Baru
Assalamualaikum ♥
Salam awal Ramadhan! Banyak tak persiapan yang korang dah buat? Excited tak
Ramadhan kali ni? Untuk yuyu & keluarga, Ramadhan ni dou...
5 years ago
I bet sophie is that cute! Haha
And for your work, what makes you happy makes your life eventually. Glad that.have known that u have such positiveness! Inspired!
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