Hi there,
I have been doing a lot of thinking lately. One of the reason why I had wanted to work at my current company was because the pay is quite big (double compared to my previous pay actually) and so I could pay off my bills comfortably and save up to get a certificate in makeup artistry. I want to have the choice of working for a company yet be able to work using my skills after office hours for extra income or even just work independently.
Generally there are 2 main ways to be a makeup artist. One is to take lessons and the other is through experience whether by working at a makeup counter or starting from scratch (do makeup for family members and friends, etc and build up your clientele from there). I am considering working at makeup outlets like The Body Shop because I think that by doing so I could kill 2 birds with one stone. First of all I get the training and experience and secondly I get to save up money for lessons. Here are the pro's and con's of working in a makeup retail store:
-Get experience and training of makeup skills.
-Acquire product knowledge and marketing skills.
-If you work hard enough you will get higher pay in the form of commission.
-Some makeup brands offer quite a good basic pay.
-Product allowance to acquire products. Good for me as it would help me sate my need to buy makeup and beauty products since I have to do it anyway.
-Work 5 days a week.
-I can delay taking the makeup lessons if needed because I am already getting on the job training.
-Most makeup stores don't do shifts. It's a whole day basis, e.g. from 10.00am to 10.00pm. However since you have to be there to make sure everything is in place before it opens and have to clean up after the store closes, average working hours would be around 14 hours a day with 2 meal breaks.
-You will have to work on public holidays and on weekends. *Correct me if I'm wrong but if you work on a PH, you will be paid double or triple*
-You can't work at just one outlet, there would be rotations. If a makeup brand has a lot of outlets you will never know where you would be sent to next week, next month or next year. If you get stuck at an outlet that is far from your home your petrol consumption would sky-rocket.
-Since the working hours are atrocious, I would have to leave Sophie at kampung for a longer time since I won't be able to take care of her. To be honest this is my greatest worry.
My 2nd option is of course to do as I am doing right now. Look for a reputable company with a good pay and save up for lessons. I do have another financial based company that I have applied but yet to give me any feedback.
A MUA friend of mine did however tell me that in this business experience is key. She is now working at one of the higher end makeup brands and she told me that she never had formal training, just working experience from various makeup counters. Another contact I have at another store selling beauty and makeup products said that their brand's senior MUA had no formal training or experience, she joined the company and rose to her current position only through learning from Youtube makeup tutorials. Imagine that.
I do think that it's good to be certified though. Somehow I feel it does make a MUA more credible, gives exposure to various environment such as photo shoot sessions and the place where you learn would help you make a portfolio of your work.
So, would it be better for me to pursue an office job and save up for lessons? Or should I work at a makeup retail shop and get the experience? Share with me what you think ya. Thanks for reading!
P/S: Give my FB page (Phoebe_Sophie) some love by clicking the 'Like' button. Thanks.
Makeover Ruang Tamu Raya Baru
Assalamualaikum ♥
Salam awal Ramadhan! Banyak tak persiapan yang korang dah buat? Excited tak
Ramadhan kali ni? Untuk yuyu & keluarga, Ramadhan ni dou...
5 years ago
hey, i've always wanted to take a makeup course since FOREVER. But ya know, time tu masi study. manada 8k to do it. i did consider of being a part time makeup artist once, second job la kunu. but then when i entered real life, it's not as easy ni. trus hilang drive. well, i do get to live that little dream of mine by becoming the unofficial makeup artist for kids going for dance performance or choir competitions. haha. in my opinion, i think u dont need a certificate to be a makeup artist. unless u're working for a company yg mau kena interview and mau tgk sijil2 kunun. so i say go work at TBS or MAC and build ur clientèle. but of course, if u go for full on bridal makeup course, u get to learn how to do hair and nails. if u do decide to work at a makeup store, do let me know! mau pok silap. hehehe :D
Hey Manda,
I have found a place that I think is pretty good. RM3.5k including the tools, makeup, portfolio, hair, etc. In case you're still interested la. Hehehe.. If I end up deciding to work at a makeup store, I'll definitely tell you. ^^
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