Dear Readers,
Yesterday as I was waiting for my turn to use the ATM machine at BSN Tuaran, I saw these two young girls in light blue pinafore crossing the road. Both girls were pretty and my guess is that they know it too cause control cantik berabis ni. Hahaha.. Anyway, looking at them suddenly brought back memories of my years in highschool.
Teringat balik time dulu2 masih slim lagi and wearing those light blue pinafore, zaman kegemilangan sampai bila sy bilang "Teda borang" (Last time when a guy wants to be your boyfriend thay will ask if they can 'isi borang') pun the guy sampai buat dan print borang sendiri and gave it to me. Siap ada attachment lagi di belakang utk kirim balik sama ada permohonan dia tu 'sukacita' atau 'dukacita'.. That was kinda cute.. Hehe...
For the most part, I was a good girl in highschool.. I had to be because I was a school prefect. On the other hand I did get into scrapes and annoyed a few teachers. One even cried because of me and my friend's antics.. Was it our fault that she's allergic to the twirling of our pens (Twirling your pen was the IN thing to do at that time okay) and we do it anyway out of habit? Ish3x... In form 3 lagi the whole class was asked to line up on the school field (Well, if you can call it a school field) during recess hour because our class was very noisy.. Hahaha...
I also remembered my time at MRSM KK. I think that was where I had most of my bitter-sweet memories. Stress gila babas pun ada, happy pun ada.. Me and my bestfriend (Actually, with a lot of the other girls) would cuci mata tengo the guys play basketball every evening (Alamak, pecah tembelang. Hahaha...). One in particular had caught my eye at that time. Satu orang jak dia sana yang tegap.. Walaweh... Our eyes had a good 'workout' everyday.. Kahkahkah...
I'm glad that I never had it bad in highschool. I was never bullied, made fun of yang teruk2,etc. I couldn't escape from making stupid mistakes though. Some of them make me laugh and some make me cringe when I think about it now.. Hahaha... On the other hand, I know I wouldn't be who I am and be where I am today if not for those mistakes..
Ah, life was quite a bliss oh time sekolah menengah.. I didn't have to worry about much except getting good grades, wondering if the guy I like likes me too and maintaining my 'saham'. Teda lah mau worry pasal sewa rumah, the bills to pay, etc. Looking at those two young girls crossing the street, a felt a slight twinge of jelousy at their vibrancy and care-freeness. I feel kinda old ni (Chewah! Macam lah tua sangat..).
Then suddenly the woman in front of me moved away from the ATM machine. It was my turn to use it. I smiled. Lantak lah ko youthful kah, carefree kah, yang penting those years are behind me and now I'm a working young woman with more experience and knowledge in life. That smile I see on your face cause the guy you like sat next to you during recess time? Been there and done that. Excuse me while I withdraw my monthly pay.
Makeover Ruang Tamu Raya Baru
Assalamualaikum ♥
Salam awal Ramadhan! Banyak tak persiapan yang korang dah buat? Excited tak
Ramadhan kali ni? Untuk yuyu & keluarga, Ramadhan ni dou...
5 years ago
I wonder siapa your eye candy di MRSM KK dulu??? hahahahahaha main basketbal... jgn jgn... hahahha
Sepa? Hehehe...
nice ending! move away bitch! :D. anyways, when i think back during our school years, yeah, it was great, but that's just that. think i love life more than i did during those angsty misunderstood years :)
Manda: True.. Now we've had more experience and see life more clearly instead of through rose-tinted glasses. Still a lot more to learn but hey, life is good... ;)
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