Hello Dear Readers...
I've been in Sabah for about a week now and it feels so good to be back. I reported for duty on the 17th of May 2010 at IPD Tuaran and Tuan Inspektor Roshaidi (Muda lagi jadi Inspektor sudah... I'm just saying.. Hehe..) managed to secure me a house within IPD itself for the time being.. I may be relocated to another house by next week or next month.
Okay, so previously I've been working in W.P Putrajaya at the HQ and memanglah, di sana sumanya 'santik2' belaka dan serba lengkap. We have our own desks, own PC, own storage cupboard, etc. Office pun airconditioned with carpeted floors. Stationeries are always available and anything that we need can be ordered and collected every Monday and Thursday.
My current working place is just the opposite...
We don't have our own desks, storage space or our own PCs, office guna kipas and bare tiles for floors. You don't have your own stationeries and there are not enough chairs.
But you know what dear readers? I am so much happier in my current working place. I see a so many hikmahs di sebalik everything we lack. Among them are:
1. No easy access to a PC and the Internet = More work gets done. Segan lah mau main FB cz no privacy ni.. Haha..
2. We make do with what we have. It promotes patience and creativity. Jadi jimat cermat ni. Kalo dulu, misplace stapler sudah malas mau cari, men order yang baru jak terus. Salah print kertas pun buang gitu jak.
3. Having less and sharing stationeries makes us less selfish. You won't hear cries of "Hey, that's my pen you're using!". I also notice that I'm more carefull when using the stationeries because its not mine alone.
4. Nobody 'passes the ball' where work is concerned because we do EVERYTHING. You see, in the HQ there's so much to be done that our tasks become very specific. Ask someone randomly about something outside of what they do and most probably they won't know about it cz they only know their scope of tasks.
5. The relationship between officer and subordinates are close and the difference in 'standard' is hard to see. My jaw almost dropped to the floor when I saw my CC roll up his sleeves and swept the office floor. He's 52 okay. Kiamat kali before CC di HQ mau p ambil vacum cleaner and vacum the office floor.. Hahaha...
6. The people I deal with are mostly village-folk. They are so polite and ready with a smile.. Sejuk hati sy berurusan sama diorang. They NEVER forget to greet us and say 'thank you' tau...
I'm not going to be an ungrateful brat and say that HQ tidak bagus.. I had my first govenment job experience and learned what I know from there afterall. I'm just saying that working dalam Daerah is not as bad as it had been said to be if you but open your heart to the experience. Tipu lah kalo tidak wish the office was bigger and there are more facilities but I wish it not for myself but for everyone at my current office. Everyone deserves a better working space mah.
My section has not been finalized yet. I'll be either at the General Office or the Traffic counter. Kalo dapat di Traffic counter terpaksa lah mau berdepan dengan orang yang marah2 mau bayar saman trafik.. Huhu...
Moving on from my office to the town I'm staying, Tuaran. Alright, I'll be the first one to admit that I didn't request for Tuaran when I applied for transfer. JPA yang bagi sy di sana. I applied for KK but unfortunately it was all full. I had worried a bit because hey, I like going to the movies and I like to shop. Then I thought to myself 'Buat apa juga mau minta puji, dulu lahir dan membesar pun di pedalaman, bukannya ada shopping complex atau panggung. Nda juga mampus.' Hahaha... So I accepted the offer anyway and when I got to Tuaran..
Haaaaaaaa...... (High-pitched angels singing voice and scenery shining)
I fell in love...
Sure, it's a small town and has more kedai runcit than all the fingers on both my hands but its quaint and peaceful... The people are friendly and not snotty at all.. They're polite too... I can't get over that you know. In KL everyone is so focused in their own world that they barely look left and right at others. Kaki men pijak jak, langgar jak without saying sorry.
Two days ago I was on my way back from Tuaran town with a few things I bought for the house. I passed a pair of schoolgirls and we accidentally bumped to each other. I expected her to hiss angrily or complain loudly to her friend like the kids in KL would do. Instead she quickly turned around to me and said "Sorry". I was so surprised I almost walked into a ditch. Hahaha...
So dear readers, that's all the update I can give for now about my new workplace and town. I hope the happy feeling that I'm experiencing at the moment will not change much in the future. I know, I might bitch about the lack of facilities a few weeks down the road or something kan if it interferes with my work. I way also face difficult colleagues and such as well. Nothing is perfect afterall.. For now, yours trully will just enjoy the ride and the peacefulness that comes with it. Cheers!
Makeover Ruang Tamu Raya Baru
Assalamualaikum ♥
Salam awal Ramadhan! Banyak tak persiapan yang korang dah buat? Excited tak
Ramadhan kali ni? Untuk yuyu & keluarga, Ramadhan ni dou...
5 years ago
phy! hehehe. i loike! loike loike loikee! ehehe betul baa, klu dlu2 buley idop tanpa bandar, knp tia skg kan? ahahah =D i lurrrveee ur updet! ehehe. ba, njoy2 working ere. ehehe got time, buley met up!
Glad you like it effa.. Hehehe... Ya lo, kalo dulu boley, now pun musti boley punya kan.. Mana bah ko keja ni effa? Bah, nanti we set the date and time orait? Hehehe...
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