If you're one of my Facebook friends, I'm sure you'd know that I only have less than 12 hours before I turn one year older. For my previous birthdays it has never really bothered me that I am getting older. However this year sy langsung ndamau mengaku 24 tahun ni.. Even until today I'd rather admit that I'm 23 years and 364 days old.. Hahaha.. Don't know lah why.. Ada apa denganmu wahai angka 24? I don't like you oh.. Mungkin sebab angka genap ni.. Me no likey lah..
Oh well...
Sooooo... In order to cheer myself up I have decided to put together a wish list (dengan tidak malunya.. hahaha...) for my birthday.. Ala, nda semestinya kamu musti mau bili untuk sia pun... At least you'd know what I like kan.. BUT if ada yang bili untuk sy, sy tambah sayang dan doakan agar orang tu panjang umur dan murah 'rejeki' sepanjang hayat lah.. Hahahaha... Here it comes:
The Body Shop Summer Makeup Collection

These are the Baked-To-Last Eyeshadows..
L-R: Jade, Copper, Moonstone
I would choose Moonstone and Jade.. How about you? :)
This is a bronzer also from the same collection.. I think it would look simply GORGEOUS as a blusher..
MAC's Prep + Prime
OMG! This is my ultimate wish. It makes the skin really soft and glowing.. If I could have only one thing this would be it.. Thank God 1 Borneo has MAC... (hint le tue.. wakakaka...).
MAC's Select Sheer/Loose powder
This powder is really fine and leaves a wonderful finish.. Love it! It's especially good for those who have oily skin like yours trully.. (ala, bucur rahsia.. hehehe)
Last but not least, the L'oreal Open Eyes eyeshadow pallete in Cobalt.. Or is it Stellar? I'm not sure but it's a really gourgeous, GORGEOUS dark blue.. It reminds me of a glitteringly starry night.. I have been wanting it for the longest time. I've hunted in all over in KL for this pallette but it's always (and I mean ALWAYS) out of stock. In KK it's the same story. I can't even find a pic of it on the internet.. Now how ellusive is that? Sheesh..
So there it is, my wish list for turning 24 years old.. I had fun putting it together. Why don't you make your own wishlist too? It would definitely help those who matter in buying you the ultimate gift.. Hehehe.. Cheers!
i see u're a mac girl huh? anyway, read reviews that the prep and prime is a dud...though when i tried it it feels glorious...heh...
Yup, I'm a MAC girl.. Hehehe.. The products are high quality and not as pricey compared other branded cosmetics like Benfit or even Bobbi Brown. It does feel glorious kan? I almost swooned.. Wakaka...
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