Dear readers..
Last night I ate what I said I would for dinner but had about 4 squares of home made chocolate. That was unplanned. Hehe.. Today I had mi goreng kurang minyak for breakfast at 7am, the same thing for brunch cum lunch with Lipton tea 3-in-1 at 11am, a Dairy Fresh chocolate waffle (my sinful consumption of the day).
I was at Servay at Putatan (I like it there, there's so many shops available there. It's like a 1 stop center) when I had that, I was so hungry. I was tempted to buy the Roti John (which comes in Baby John and Mother/Mummy John by the way. So funny..). I tend to overeat when I'm hungry but I'm happy to say that I managed to resist the tepmtation. I ate a bit of rice (a teeny bit more than yesterday), veggies and half a medium sized fish cooked Pinasakan style.
I bought Sendayu Tinggi's Slimax Cerial drink today. Its supposed to make me feel full and help my digestive system to be more efficient. I'm going to start trying it tommorrow. Quite expensive, RM29.90 for 15 sachets. Hopefully it works. If it does, you'll get raving reviews of it from me for sure. Looks like I'm going to be your guine pig for the next 15 days. Hehe.. Oh, and I clocked up 2,930 steps today.
Well, this is all for today's report. Hehe.. Cheers..
Makeover Ruang Tamu Raya Baru
Assalamualaikum ♥
Salam awal Ramadhan! Banyak tak persiapan yang korang dah buat? Excited tak
Ramadhan kali ni? Untuk yuyu & keluarga, Ramadhan ni dou...
5 years ago
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