Hello peeps..
Again, it has been a while since my last post. I sincerely apologise for my long hiatus. Most of the time I would have an idea or a exciting story to tell, but would not have the energy or time to create a post. There were also times when I would have no idea on what to write about but have the time. Sigh! I'm here now though and my do I have so much to tell that I hardly know where to begin! Brace yourself for a long post.
Hm, okay so lets start with my favorite subject, Baby Sophia Mikhayla.. Tee hee hee.. Are you green yet with my never ending updates on her? If you are, feel free to skip this paragraph. Last Thursday morning I brought her to Klinik Kesihatan Petagas to get her immunized. It was the last one until she is one year old and was a double whammy with a jab to both her arm and leg. Usually Sophie would cry for literally only five seconds when she gets her jab but this time she started crying before the needle pierced her skin. I guess she knows that someting was up because I held her tightly. Blessed with strong lungs, she cried the roof down. What really broke my heart was that she had hardly calmed down before she was given her second shot. She looked at the nurse with such a hurt expression that even the other nurse in the room commented on it. I'm so glad that it would be another six months before she gets immunized again because for the first time I am officialy traumatized.
After Sophia's clinic appointment I went over to one of the 5-star hotels (from henceforth will be referred to as ABC) in KK for an interview. Now before I tell you about how it went, I'd like to tell you about the interesting events that lead up to the interview. You know how it is when you're in school and if you're good at English, EVERYONE says that you should be an English teacher and if you're good at crunching numbers, you should be a Math teacher or work in Accounts, etc? Well, Math and English has always been my strong subjects. I graduated with a Diploma in Business Studies and as becoming an English teacher was out of the question, I started my career in Accounts. From the start I found it to be boring and dry but I stuck with it. After almost three years I finally had to admit that a career in Accounts was not for me. I wanted to switch but I didn't know how or what to take up. I was still determined to deviate lest I get stuck due to fear of change or because future employers would find my experience too limited to entrust me with a job other than Finance.
After being out of work for a while and having Sophie, I didn't have the luxury of waiting for the right job. I needed money and I needed it fast so I just used my experience to get employed. Everyday I feel like a part of me dies a slow and painful death. During my orientation, the HR Trainer told us about all the Departments and what they do. That was the first time I heard about Marketing Communications or MarCom for short and I became excited. Proof-reading? I'm no expert but I have been doing that for my friends since primary school. Promoting the hotel throung social networks? I'm sure it is different than updating my own Facebook status, Tweet or Blog but hey, I can learn. Hosting? When I was in Guest Relations once upon a time, within one month of working I was entrusted to host a family over my more senior colleagues. I can speak well and write well in English and while all this does not make me a star MarCom Coordinator, it's a start. So I became wistful. If only I can get a job in MarCom, wouldn't that be great? *Daydreaming while smilling to self*
Aside from my stint in the Government for two years, I have only ever worked in hotels because I love it so much and I can't imagine working in any other industry. A few years back, ABC was quite infamous for certain problems which I won't disclose. However, starting two months ago at least three people told me that ABC no longer had such problems and that I should apply. Eventhough I didn't immediately called ABC, it was always at the back of my mind, more so when people mentioned it to me one after the other.. One day, I decided to bite the bullet and called up ABC's Human Resources Department (from henceforth will be referred to as HRD). Guess what? They had a vacancy in MarCom! As a Coordinator too! I stood hiding in the corner outside my office looking at my cell phone in shock. Could this be the Law of Attraction that everyone had been talking about? I submitted my cover letter and resume not only by email but also by handing it in to the HR Department personally. I know, it's neurotic but I want the job, period.
I was informed that I should expect a call from the MarCom Department by the following week and so the waiting game began. After two weeks went by I figured that maybe I should consider looking into other places as well. It was a Tuesday and just as I was looking at my profile in Jobstreet my phone rang. It was from them! What made it even more fantastic was that I had applied for leave on Thursday for Sophie's clinic appointmen and Miss T asked," Are you able to come for an interview this Thursday?". Once again my jaw dropped in shock. I felt like Lady Luck was giving me the biggest smile ever. I wanted to scream and dance for joy but as that would bring the wrath of my current boss on my head and not to mention risk me being deemed crazy by Miss T who was still on the phone I merely agreed to the interview with as much dignity as I could muster.
Okay, so back to how the interview went. After calming Sophie down and wiping her tears, I rushed over to ABC. I was to expect Madam M in the lobby where I would be interviewed. During the interview Madam M expressed her concern of how the demands of the job would have on my time with Sophie. It is a lot of hard work and very fast-paced and perhaps this is not the job for you at this point as your daughter needs you she said. When she told me that it involved hosting the media, both International and local, my heart soared. I can do that. I have a lot to learn but I know I could do it. At the same time my heart plummeted at the thought of not having much time for my Sophie. I became a bit out of focus and unable to elaborate on my answers much because the reels in my head were turning at top speed. Should I? Should I not? The end of the interview came and Madam M admitted that she was hesitant to give me the job because of my circumstances. She did say that she would hold on to my resume in case anything fitting came along in other departments.
I numbly walked to my car and as I opened the car door, Sophie sat there in her baby car seat, welcoming me with a sweet smile. All the sign given seemed so clear, the Universe implied to having heard my heart's deepest longing. As a person who believed in Allah and know that nothing happens coincidentally, it was hard to swallow that after being given so many positive sign along the way the job was not going to be mine. Then again I thought, for all I know I was meant to get the job next time when Sophie was bigger or maybe I was meant to do something else. Perhaps I was just meant to meet Madam M. So many maybe's.
Makeover Ruang Tamu Raya Baru
Assalamualaikum ♥
Salam awal Ramadhan! Banyak tak persiapan yang korang dah buat? Excited tak
Ramadhan kali ni? Untuk yuyu & keluarga, Ramadhan ni dou...
5 years ago
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