Hello there...
Ladies, have you ever been called 'High Maintenance' or as our people would say 'High Class' before? I have and I wish it was because I wear elegant clothes or always look impeccably put together or something but no, it is because I choose to buy a 'King Cup' brand sardine instead of an unknown brand of which is the cheapest money can buy.
Confused? So am I.
You see, I like the better things in life (who doesn't?) and I do choose brands that I feel is better in quality/texture/taste. For example:
1. I pick Ladies Choice peanut butter spread over those peanut butter in ugly plastic cups because it is smoother and taste better.
2. I pick King Cup sardines over unknown el-cheapo brands of canned sardines because they taste better and don't still have scales in them that get stuck unpleasantly in my throat.
3. I pick L'occitane for my toiletries. I can see noticeable difference in my skin texture using it compared to other brands.
4. I prefer butter over margarine.
5. I love MAC cosmetics.
6. I love Starbucks.
So, am I high maintenance? Before you answer, let me just say:
1. Although I love L'Occitane, I am not beyond using brands such as Johnson&Johnson for my lotions and bath. If I can only afford J&J at a particular time, I would use J&J.
2. While I do love MAC cosmetics, I wouldn't buy it just for the sake of having it even if it doesn't work very well. For example, MAC mascaras are among the worst so I don't buy them. I'd buy a Maybelline mascara anytime because it works.
3. So I like Starbucks. It's not about the brand, it's because it tastes good and their pricing just touches my personal limit as to how expensive a drink can be. Dome is more 'exclusive' but their drinks don't taste as good and it's more expensive so I don't go there.
I am a firm believer in mileage. If a product is pricey but it works well on your skin AND you get a lot of use out of it, why not? Just buy the best of what you can afford especially when it comes to what you put into
Makeover Ruang Tamu Raya Baru
Assalamualaikum ♥
Salam awal Ramadhan! Banyak tak persiapan yang korang dah buat? Excited tak
Ramadhan kali ni? Untuk yuyu & keluarga, Ramadhan ni dou...
5 years ago
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