Hello peeps..
To be honest, I find it quite embarrassing to write down resolutions simply because I am absolutely, most utterly useless when it comes to keeping them. Huhu... I hadn't been planning on making one but I guess I could try to give it another shot this year only, I'm going to use the term 'goals' instead of 'resolutions' *How on earth are they different I do not know but somehow I just feel that they are not the same. Hehe*
My first goal is to be more patient. I seriously have a problem with this which ends up with me doing rash things and saying things that I shouldn't. So I hope that I will be able to harness some of this patience stuff as I will definitely need it for the years to come
My second goal is to lose 2KGs a month starting in April 2012 until I reach my goal weight of 55KG.
Next, I would like to aim to gain more knowledge about Islam. Islam involves every aspect a Muslim's life so I have so, so much to learn. Recent events have made me realize just how long I have lapsed in expanding my knowledge about my Faith and I would like to start again this year.
My fourth goal is to get a job, most probably starting in June 2012. I'm not sure yet what field that I would like to get into. I might go into banking or hotel. We'll see. Really keeping my fingers crossed about this because I heard that we might face economic recession this year *or are we already facing it?* and we all know how the job market *or rather, lack of it* is during recessions.
Lastly, my goal is to be an active blogger. It won't be easy though. With no electricity and limited Internet connection, it's a huge challenge. However, I will try my very best. I also plan to re-activate my beauty blog which has gathered dust last year. By the way, I have recently made a page on Facebook (Phyllicia Robert). Would really appreciate the 'Like's and support.
So this is all for now peeps. Enjoy your weekend especially those who are working. Cheers and wassalam.
Makeover Ruang Tamu Raya Baru
Assalamualaikum ♥
Salam awal Ramadhan! Banyak tak persiapan yang korang dah buat? Excited tak
Ramadhan kali ni? Untuk yuyu & keluarga, Ramadhan ni dou...
5 years ago
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