It's been silent here for a few days. The reason for that is because Sophia was admitted into Paediatric Ward due to vomiting and diarrhea. Doctors told me that it is the season. Last week alone 41 kids were warded for diarrhea and vomiting. Maybe sebab banyak tempat banjir, air lebih kotor dari biasa. Huhu..
Hancur hati sy nampak my baby kena ambil darah, kena cucuk jarum drip, etc. Kalau boleh, biarlah sy yang ganti. Sepuluh kali pun sy sanggup, yang penting Sophia sihat wal'afiat and doesn't have to go through that.

Kesian Sophia, traumatised to the max. Tau la budak, tidak faham whats going on kan. Yang dia tau, asal ada orang pakai baju putih datang, there will be pain. So everytime she sees a nurse or attendant passing by she'd get upset.
Eventhough it is hard to watch and bear, I have no regrets insisting that she gets checked and warded. Diarrhea is very dangerous because it causes dehydration which can be fatal for kids 11 years old and below.
In this post I am going to share with you a guide of sorts on what to do if your child start showing symptoms of diarrhea, what to expect when your child is given medical attention, etc. This post will be divided into 2 parts.
A little disclaimer before I go further. This guide is based on my experience with Sophie having diarrhea, in the hospital of my district. Processes and proceedures and what not may differ based on what your child is admitted for, the severity of your child's condition, the facilities available at the hospital in your area, etc. Take this as a rough guide ya. Thanks.
Here are some signs of diarrhea:
1. Passing of watery stools more than 5 times in 1 day. Kalau kurang dari 5 kali, Hospital don't acknowledge it as diarrhea. You won't even get salt for fluid/eletrolyte replenishment.
2. Diarrhea normally occurs whrn your child 'consumed' bacteria through tainted food /drink or lack of hygiene. Hence if your child has diarrhea, it might be accompanied with vomiting.
Signs of dehydration:
1. Sunken eyes.
2. No tears when crying.
3. Muscle cramps.
4. Glassy-eyed.
5. Listlessness.
6. Skin looks papery and dry.
What to do if your child starts passing watery stools:
1. Buy salt for fluid replenishment at the pharmacy.
2. Bagi anak minum fluids banyak2 tidak kira air masak, air garam, susu or juice. FLUIDS ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN FOODS when it comes to diarrhea.
Kalau anak tidak mau minum walaupun dipujuk/rayu/paksa, cukup quota 5 kali berak air terus bawa ke hospital. Insist anak kena check darah for pH level. They will be able to tell tu if your child is low on fluids.
Stand your ground if the doctor want to send you home with salts saja. Inform that you have given/have tried to give tapi anak tidak receptive. Itu lah gunanya kamu beli salts di pharmacy when anak start berak air. Supaya hospital tidak boleh guna alasan ni untuk send you home macam tu saja.
Bukan apa, buang masa bah kalau anak tidak receptive then terpaksa bawa balik pergi hospital. Kalau tinggal dekat dengan hospital dan ada kereta tidak apa la. Yang penting memang betul sudah usaha bagi anak salt solution tu. Jangan tipu pula. Ketulahan nanti.
What happens if your child needs immediate medical attention:
1. A nurse will draw blood from one hand to check your child's pH levels.
2. A needle for drip will be inserted into your child's other hand and a shot of salt solution will be injected.
3. Your child will be given a drip.
4. If your child's blood test shows that her/his fluid levels are sufficient and stabilised, most probably you will be able to go home.
5. If not, then your child will be warded.
To be continued...
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