How are you guys? Hope that everything is going swimmingly for you. A lot had happened since my last post but I am gonna make it as short and sweet as possible with photos doing most of the talking.
Mum and Eldest Sister's Birthday Celebration
My mum and my eldest sister share the same birthday so my sister came back to Sabah to celebrate with us. Thank goodness for cheap airfare. Hehe..
We had a birthday lunch at Juta Hotel in their honour.

The birthday ladies..


The chocolate birthday cake by Kris Vin. Yummy.. (Alamak, pecah rahsia umur. Lol)

KK Trip-One Of The Best Ever
My elder sister (Hana) had classes to attend in KK and it coincided with my eldest sister's (Diana) departure date so I decided to tag along. Wished that sister Diana could have joined us makan sushi and shopping but her flight was that evening juga so she couldn't join us. Hopefully, our schedule won't be as tight during her next trip home, insyaAllah.
Kakak Diana lining up to check in her luggage.

Michael's Angels..

Me and kakak Hana having a scrumptious sushi dinner at Sushi Tei.

The next day we had lunch at Kenny Rogers, 1Borneo.

Shopping sakan at The Face Shop because they were having a 'Buy 2 Get 1 Free' deal (mostly skincare) as well as 50% discounts (mostly makeup).

Kakak Hana bought me new running shoes as I had completely busted my old ones, bless her generous soul. May she gets pahala with every step I take and every grams I lose, Amin.

We ended our trip with yummy drinks from Starbucks. Cranberry White Chocolate Mocha for me and Black Tea latte for kakak Hana.

Bye, Bye Owl Wings
Was offered a new job and so I bid goodbye and hung my owl wings.
This is me on my last day. Can you feel me? Lol.

My new job is a lot of responsibility and to be honest I am not sure if I will be able to handle it. Apapun, wish me luck and pray for my success ya. Thanks.
So that's what has been up with my life the past two weeks. Stay tuned for my makeup switch up post and my cummulative haul, including the ones from The Face Shop during my KK trip, in shaa Allah.