To all my Muslim readers out there, are you ready for the month of Ramadhan? I will be honest, I am a bit nervous. Tau2 saja la, biasa sdh makan macam pirahna 4-5 kali setiap hari kan. I hope I will have the extra patience and stamina to keep up with Sophie for the duration of the month ni. Huhu.. InsyaAllah...
My tangible plans for Ramadhan is super simple which is to make sure I have dates at home. A lot of people overlook this humble dried fruit but through my personal experience, I find it to be utterly essential during the fasting month for Sahur and breaking fast. I think I will elaborate more about it in an upcoming blog posts.
As for my spiritual preparations, I have plans on two things that I would like to achieve during the month of Ramadhan but I won't be sharing them with you just yet. Nanti nda jadi bikin malu jak. Huahuahua...

So how about you my dear Muslim readers, are you geared up for Ramadhan? What day will the 1st of Ramadhan fall on in your country? Do share in the comments below.
Thank you for reading this post. See you soon. Cheers!
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