If you're friends with me on Facebook, you would know that today is my birthday. 3 years left of my 20's. OMG, I can't believe it!
This birthday in the state I am in (jobless) makes me feel old. I mean, my other friends are practising law, medicine, almost completing their teaching bond and what not. They are climbing up the ladder in their field whereas I am still flailing, grateful if I could just have a job. If I was in this position 4 years ago when I was in my early 20's, I might not feel that bad but now it just sucks really.
I keep wondering, what is it that I am supposed to be doing? What am I meant to do? I know that I am not one to climb the corporate ladder as I can't stand the pressure or fake friendships. Numbers are okay but filing payment vouchers are the pits. I don't have the patience required to be a teacher. I love writing but someone told me that I couldn't write to save my life. Not that I believed her 100%. She is, after all just a withering b*tch who spits poison.
Oppss.. I still feel the resentment, yes. Sorry about that. I digress. Aaannyywaysss.. I hope with all my heart that my luck will change for the better in my 27th year and beyond. May I be in good health, discover my calling and rake in big bucks out of it. Last but not least, let me get married to a wonderful as well as compatible man and live happily ever after with my darling baby Sophia Mikhayla. Amin.

Happy birthday to meeee!!
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